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What is on Tap for September and October’s Program?


What is on Tap for September and October’s Performance Program? by William Albritton

Congratulations to all those who competed in Battle of the Fitness! You put in hard work over the last several months. Most of you hit PRs on the Olympic Lifts in the past few weeks which is what we had been working towards in July and August. Please leave a comment on this post and tell us about your Battle of the Fittest experience and/or your PR(s) this month.

We are going to keep riding this strength wave into at least mid-October. But before I get into specific goals for the next 6 weeks, I want to reassure you that our programming will always be geared towards General Physical Preparedness (GPP). That is always the number one priority. GPP is defined differently by different groups. The CrossFit community commonly defines it as simultaneously increasing strength, cardio endurance, stamina, power, flexibility, coordination, agility, balance, speed and accuracy. Louie Simmons at Westside Barbell says GPP is a term that refers to “raising your ability to do more work”. To obtain GPP, our Performance Program at CFA is all encompassing and does not specialize in one particular area. We get you ready for everything wether that is a heavy clean and jerk or running a 5k.

Our number one goal will always be GPP but we will have secondary goals (increasing 1RM Oly lifts was the secondary goal in July and August). In September and most of October, our secondary focus will be on the following four goals:

1. Increase 1 rep max on snatch and clean and jerk.
2. Back squat your body weight. Many of you can do this so move on to #3.
3. Front Squat 85% of your back squat max.
4. Increase max reps of strict pull ups

It’s easy to develop a conditioning program that will provide significant results to a beginner CrossFitter. They may even see progress for 12 -18 months before they stall. Any decent coach should be able to do that. What we believe sets us apart at CFA is our ability to  increase our members fitness level for years and years and years. Choosing the correct secondary goals is they key to keeping your fitness from hitting long term plateaus. I’m not saying you will never stall. But it should only be temporary before you will be hitting new heights again.  Talk to some of our members that have been with us the past three years about their continued progress. Carey W., our longest member, hit a new snatch PR this week!

Our program design for GPP is going to keep you in the game. It is safe. It reduces your risk of injury not only in the gym but away from the gym in your everyday life and recreational sports and hobbies. We are working to keep your body balanced. Reducing injury risk by developing body symmetry is all in the programming.

Did I mention that if you are smart with your nutrition that goals 1 – 3 are going get you very lean (LEAN!…that’s all a lot of you wanted to hear. I should have started the post with that but then you would not have read the rest).

Below is a GENERAL template we will follow until mid-October. This will vary and is not exact but it gives you an idea. Feel free to ask me questions about any of this.

Monday: heavy back squat, pull ups (heavy, static or volume), pulls (snatch or clean), conditioning
Tuesday: Clean & jerk, conditioning
Wednesday: overhead work (push press, jerk), conditioning
Thursday: pull ups (heavy, static or volume), snatch, heavy GPP (sleds, tires)
Friday: heavy front squat or repetition squats, Oly deadlifts, conditioning
Saturday: Conditioning and/or heavy GPP (sleds, tires); a few Saturday’s will be long, tough metcons


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3 thoughts on “What is on Tap for September and October’s Program?

  1. I am super excited for all of this! Strength is the basis for a great GPP program that will continue to keep all of healthy and have a better quality of life, for the rest of our lives! 3.2.1.GO!

  2. I love the strength programming! My technique has improved and I PR’ed on the snatch in August. Looking forward to seeing what we can all accomplish over the next 6 weeks!

  3. Well my PR isn’t going to sound like anyone else, but here goes: I started a CrossFit beginner course in June and joined the regular program in early August. I also started my 8th year of teaching in mid-August. This is the first year out of 8 where the first week of school didn’t completely exhaust me. Typically, my feet hurt badly and I am absolutely exhausted that first week trying to retrain my body for the school year. I also found I am less stressed. I even managed to work out after school that first week, when in the past I’ve been too tired to stand come evening. I’m looking forward to even more health benefits as I continue this wonderful experience.

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