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Nutrition Seminar – Let’s Eat Some Real Food. February 28, 5:30pm

Nutrition Seminar – Let’s Eat Some Real Food by William Albritton

Where: CrossFit Alexandria
When:  Thursday, February 28 from 5:30 – 6:30pm
Sign Up Here

Join us as we present a clear, balanced and sustainable plan to change the way you eat for a lifetime. It is a way of eating that not only promotes fat loss, but it also enhances your quality of life and improves sleep, energy levels, mood and performance.

The food you eat either improves your health or makes it worse – there is nothing in-between. Much of what you hear the media and food companies call healthy couldn’t be further from the truth. What the Standard American Diet (SAD) calls unhealthy is way off base. Bacon anyone? Food could be having a negative effect on the way you look, feel and live in ways you never associated with what you eat.

The seminar will first cover the “Why” factor. Why do certain foods cause an unhealthy, habit-forming relationship with eating. Why do certain foods cause hormones to get out of whack? Why do certain foods cause systemic inflammation and a leaky gut that leads to diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, acne, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, sinus infections, migraines, acid reflux, Crohn’s, IBS, bi-polar disorder, depression, autism, fibromyalgia, ADHD and arthritis.

We will then get into the nuts and bolts – how do we eat healthy? What should you stay away from?

We encourage everyone in the Alexandria and Pineville area to attend. Bring a friend or family member. Do you know someone suffering from the above mentioned diseases? Change their life by bringing them to this seminar. Sign Up Here

We are honored to have a loyal following of folks that perform CFA’s WODs at other gyms and outlying areas. I encourage all of you to attend the seminar to learn how your performance can be drastically increased through nutrition. While you’re here, there will be several coaches on hand to answer any questions you may have in regard to workouts, performance, technique, programming, etc.

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2 thoughts on “Nutrition Seminar – Let’s Eat Some Real Food. February 28, 5:30pm

  1. I keep reading different things on how many eggs to eat. Is there too many to eat in a week? And sweet potatoes I have read they are good and bad, should I eat them?

    1. You’re right. There is a lot of solid information out there on quantity of eggs. Some say 6 a week and others say 6 a day. This is where each person is different. Those with egg allergies should obviously avoid them. How do you know if you have an allergy? Eat clean and don’t eat eggs for 2 weeks. Do you feel better, worse or the same? An allergy doesn’t necessarily mean you will break out in hives. If you feel sluggish, anxious, irritable it could be caused by an adverse response to eggs. Basically, test it out and evaluate how you look, perform and feel. Same thing with sweet potatoes although they usually cause less problems than eggs. You work out hard so I would say sweet potatoes are probably doing you some good especially eating them post work out. I hope this helps. -William

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